I finished my new, 100 levels, riddle about a year ago but it's not this one.
My beta testers are still testing, so be scared, be very scared :P.
So I decided to make a riddle with the leftover levels/ideas.
Maybe 'leftover' sounds negative so I named this one: Kill Your Darlings riddle.
Although that might sound negative as well, but it's not if you know what it means; JFGI :P
Let's cut to the chase now; It's 25 levels and it won't be easy.
Let's say; more underhinted than my usual riddles, but it can be done for sure.
The riddle is a standard change the url thing, so you know what to do and what's not allowed.
One thing; It's not beta tested, but who cares, seems to be the new trend with riddles lately.
On the other hand, don't worry about that; I don't make mistakes, so frustrated players are not the beta testers here.
Last but not least; wishing you a lot of fun with this riddle.